Hello, how can we help?

On arrival

Vaccines have enabled the gradual and safe removal of restrictions on everyday life, and in England from 24 February 2022 all legal coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions were lifted. We are aware the global pandemic is not yet over and that there is considerable uncertainty about the path that the pandemic will take. As a consequence, we have reviewed our operations and remain committed to doing all we can, as a continued precaution, to keep our staff, delegates, and visitors safe while on site

We have therefore put in place a range of measures to ensure that our venue fully complies with the latest government guidance on living with COVID-19. Whilst people who have COVID-19 are no longer legally required to self-isolate, we respectfully request that anyone with COVID-19, or any of the main symptoms (a high temperature, new and persistent cough, or a loss or change in taste or smell) stays at home.

Our venue will follow a reduced social distancing rule with recommended mitigations, such as adequate ventilation and the option for face coverings to be worn while moving around the venue. Once seated you may remove your mask and while eating and drinking, however, if possible, please wear your mask while inside. We will operate to a maximum of 90% occupancy.

Around the venue

You will see numerous automatic hand-sanitising machines dotted around – please use these regularly. You will be advised of the location of your meeting room and other usable areas by the meeting organiser.

In meetings

On entry to a meeting room, please sanitise your hands, our pre-sanitised seating will be set out with a degree of social distancing based on room size and delegate numbers, so please do not move any chairs or change seats unless you are asked to do so by venue staff.

Food in the venue

Please sanitise your hands using the wall mounted hand sanitiser unit on entry to the catering room.
Please observe a degree of social distancing and use all the space in the catering areas.

Cleaning and sanitising of the venue

All touchpoints are cleaned and sanitised every two hours as part of a robust cleaning rota, and staff have been fully trained in hygiene and are monitored for compliance.

To complement this cleaning rota, we have invested in an advanced residual antimicrobial product, which harnesses biotechnology and is effective against bacteria, viruses, and pathogens.

The antimicrobial agent in the product creates a barrier that kills germs upon impact and provides long-term protection on all of our surfaces, for up to 30 days.
